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[8th Anniversary] Archive items are now on sale!
From 12:00 noon on February 19th
Archive items released to commemorate the 8th anniversary of PAMEO POSE!
Archive items released to commemorate the 8th anniversary of PAMEO POSE!
From past collections
Items using iconic motifs are now available.
T-shirts, pullovers, masks, etc. are all available in limited quantities.
Items using iconic motifs are now available.
T-shirts, pullovers, masks, etc. are all available in limited quantities.
It will end as soon as all are gone,
It's a rare item, so don't miss it!
It's a rare item, so don't miss it!
[Sales store]
PAMEO POSE Official Online Store
PAMEO POSE Omotesando Main Store * At the Omotesando Main Store,
PAMEO POSE Omotesando Main Store * At the Omotesando Main Store,
Some products are not available.